最新四级英语翻译题目及译文预测 2020年12月英语四级翻译预测

参考译文:Equity in education In order to promote equity in education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of educational facilities in rural areas and strengthening of rural compulsory education Midwest. These funds were used to ...

made in china是什么意思? made in China的意思是:中国制造;中国制作;中国自制。

Made for China见证中国市场全面革新 今年,宝洁大中华区董事长兼总裁马睿思(Matthew Price)对进博会又有了新的观察,他发现进博会除了引入各国的创新产品之外,源自中国市场的创新和...

As the title suggests, the hymn was embroidered on 1,000 Buddhist robes which Prince Nagaya had made and sent to the Tang court in China, part of his invitation for Chinese...

【环球网报道】国台办例行记者会10月16日举行。有台媒记者提问称,有台商对媒体称,在MIT、“Made in 台湾”后面要加上“China”,请问发言人有何看法? 发言人马晓光对此表示,我们对两岸贸易中关于产地证、进出口货物标签的管理政策,已行之多年,没有改变。 相关搜索 国台...

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